October 25, 2008

28 Minutes

The best part about starting to run is that you set a new record every time you go out, even if you have to be tricky in rationalizing it.

Today I went back to a distance based objective. Set out a route of 5 kilometers (I would give you all the decimals, but my girlfriend closed the pedometer window, despite me asking her not to) and timed it. Tried to not pay too close attention to my time, just checked it every once in a while to see how long it had actually been, compared to how long it felt like.

And as the title of this post implies, it took me 28 minutes. Again, there were some decimals, but I haven't figured my father's old watch out completely yet, and I pressed the wrong button. So again, the distance based objective led to me pushing myself further, as it felt more tangible, and like I could better judge my gastank on how much further as opposed to how much longer.

During the final stretch of my run (just as I was getting to a hard-pumping part of the later portions of that LCD Soundsystem album I always run to, but had never heard before) my endorphins kicked in hardcore, and I was able to sprint faster than I had the whole time. I should have kept going with it, but partially it was the glee of getting near the finish line, and it was too tempting not to stop and check my time.

Tried to sprint more in general this way, as my superfit roommate gave me some advice on muscle growth from running. Also think that I may start trying to integrate time goals with distance goals more readily. Any suggestions running people?

Mostly I'm proud that I went running on a saturday night.

After doing homework all day!

Albums bumped while running: LCD Soundsystem's 45:33.

Stay true.

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