October 23, 2008

Rest/Stress Part 2

My plans to run today were destroyed by a recent tendency to hit the snooze button for an hour and then just turn it off and go back to sleep. I'm a long time insomniac of sorts - or perhaps just on a different sleep cycle. My normal bedtime is 4:00 am, and even when I have to get up early, I find it difficult to go bedwise any earlier. So I will get 8 hours of sleep if its possible (or 9 or so like I did today) but if I have commitments, sometimes as little as 4 hours a night. It's probably one of the biggest factors interfering with me getting active, as I usually have to use what is left with the day (as I can't really work at night anymore despite being up that late anyways) to get my external responsibilities completed.

And that's what happened today. Hours and hours straight of reading rhetorical theory on style and figuration, drinking bodums of year-old coffee that I found. This led up to my group meeting, and by the time I was done that it was...well, now.

At least I had a bit of a jog home, despite my lack of proper running shoes and wearing tight jeans. Tomorrow is another day. And if I'm good, I can still get 5 runs in this week.

Plus my left leg is feeling aces again.

Stay true.

Edit: All of my time stamps are messed up! I must have accidentally set the wrong time zone. This makes me look lazy in light of this post. I am not giving up on running at 8:00 at night, I'm giving up at 11:00.

1 comment:

yumke said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. And welcome to the running/blogging world. The beauty of starting running is that you will improve so quickly.